Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Conquering Cabbage

My first order of business is to find a cabbage that I deem edible. My earliest memories of cabbage involve my mother serving it on St. Patrick’s Day (every year growing up) along side corned beef and boiled potatoes. It wasn’t a terrible dish, just really blah. My second cabbage memory is really bad coleslaw that came with my tuna sandwich at a cheap diner in Oregon. I remember it vividly. Vinegary and mayonaisey. Not my favorite flavors.

My naturopath said cabbage is really good for supporting liver health. Cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, brussel sprouts, and dark leafy greens are packed with folate (which my medicine depletes), Vitamin C, and phytochemicals (which help fight disease and support healthy immune function).

I look forward to making this recipe: Sauteed Cod on Snow Peas and Cabbage with Miso Sesame Vinaigrette from the July 2002 issue of Gourmet. I crave miso soup all the time and I'm betting it will be a deliciously salty spin on the cabbage. Also, the cod will have some omega-3s, which the body primarily gets from seafood. This is be an excellent dinner for a post-President's Day travels. Mmmm I can hardly wait.

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