Monday, April 2, 2012

Interesting Read

Deepest apologies for my massive hiatus. Midterms and my week trip back home still have me barely staying above water. Full disclosure, I haven't been eating well and I've been pretty stressed out so my RA is mighty crazy right now. Though I feel terrible all the time, it's been an interesting learning experience to see what makes me feel better fast. I'm doing a bit of a cleanse this week and some reading which will no doubt lead to some interesting stories and recipes to share soon. I promise new stuff will be up the next week.

While you chew the time over, I found this really fun article in the April issue of Bon Appetit this morning. According to the article, New York chef Seamus Mullen has rheumatoid arthritis and he's quite fond of using parsley to help soothe his aches and pains. His new cookbook Hero Food seems to fit pretty well with our mission here at RA Eats — tasty food that makes us feel better. I can't wait to get my hands on those recipes and start trying them out.

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